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Eager for knowledge

Here’s a story that’s stuck with me over the years from George Leonard, who ended his (excellent) book “Mastery” with it: === “When Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, was quite old and close to death, the story goes, he called his students...

What coaches can learn from Mike Tyson

Cus D’Amato, the legendary boxing trainer who took Mike Tyson off the streets and turned him into a world champion, had a unique way of determining who was a contender and worthy of his time. In Tyson’s book “Iron Ambition”, he shared a story about D’Amato’s gym –...

From a mosquito buzz to the roar of a chainsaw

Back when I started my coaching business in 2014, it seemed like a noisy space. I remember noticing how busy it was. All of the social media posts and emails made it seem like everybody was a coach … Flash forward to 2024, and that noise has gotten a whole lot louder!...

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

An old proverb (that was made famous from being in the movie “The Shining”): “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” It means that if you don’t get a break from work, you can become dull and boring. When Ann Carden was planning her...

The importance of a “Grand Gesture”!

In 2007, J.K Rowling was struggling to finish the last of the Harry Potter books, “The Deathly Hallows”. In an interview with Oprah, she confessed that it was so difficult to concentrate at home that she checked herself into a suite at a five-star hotel...

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