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LSD and coaching

I read an interesting book called "How To Change Your Mind". It's all about psychedelic drugs like LSD and the effect that they have on the human brain, and author Michael Pollan tells the story of one LSD researcher who in the 1980's hatched a plan to help President...

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How to get an invite to the Jungle VIP networking meetings

When I recently launched my Coaching Jungle VIP, I wanted to add some benefits on top of the wall postings and other stuff that those people get … So while VIPs are able to put their offers on the group wall every single week, they also receive invites to regular...

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Disappointed with your Facebook ads?

I've heard from people lately who are frustrated with the ROI from their Facebook ads … If you have an offer for coaches, and you feel the same, check out The Coaching Jungle VIP perk. It's a way to get your offer consistently in front of more than 25,000 coaches, and...

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Become a Coaching Jungle VIP!

Since I started The Coaching Jungle Facebook group back in 2015, we've been tight on not allowing any promotional posts on the wall … With 25,000+ members in there we had to be very strict on things! But for the first time ever, we're mixing things up with a Coaching...

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Do you have one of these offers?

Over the years, I've partnered with lots of different types of people for my joint ventures … These have included partners in all sorts of niches, including: Book writing/publishingBusiness-buildingCertificationsCoaching platforms and softwareEmail marketingFunding...

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It doesn’t have to be a webinar

This week I've been talking about the joint ventures that I do with partners … But here's an important note about them: Our joint venture doesn't have to be a webinar! It's my partner's choice … If it's a webinar, then great. But if you'd rather do something else,...

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A cool bonus for my JV partners

Yesterday I talked about a few joint venture spots that I have open this summer … One of the big bonuses for my JV partners is they get one year as a Coaching Jungle VIP (others pay $997/year for that!) Coaching Jungle VIPs get: Exclusive Posting Perks: Post a...

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A few summer joint venture spots (and bonuses) available!

I've done some joint ventures with awesome partners (like Reef Colman, Miles Stutz, and Terri Levine) so far this summer, and I have a few available spots for other joint ventures before the summer ends … My joint venture packages include: -A live webinar where you...

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