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The next 90 days … and beyond

Gus Van Dender has a great success rate for helping people hit their targets in 90 days, but I asked him what happens after that. Do his clients take their balls and go home since they hit their targets, or do they choose something new to go after? Obviously they...

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Some big results from the 90 day journal!

Shorten The Gap's 90 Day journal has became the "north star" that helped Gus Van Dender guide businesses to achieve remarkable growth and success like: A wheelchair ride service that identified a need, got the company operational and launched it in 90 days, and...

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Get ready to roll up your sleeves

Next week's live workshop that Gus Van Dender is doing for my community is going to be focused on taking action towards hitting your 90 days goals … Gus isn't about fluff or theory, but instead having you roll up your sleeves and doing the work to get results. For...

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About worthless webinars

I've been noticing a trend in the online space over the last few years: There are a lot of folks who are tired and burned out from attending webinars! I'm not going to be one of those guys who say "Webinars don't work!", since I know that's not true. But a lot of...

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Your magic number

I have a question that I like to ask the coaches that I chat with: “What’s your magic number?” “Magic Number” is their ideal monthly revenue from their coaching business. There’s no wrong answer here … That’s the great thing about entrepreneurship, it’s your business...

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There’s no need for 28 different offers!

Building a coaching business can be confusing. You're being hit with advice from every which direction - telling you that you need a complicated funnel with upsells, down-sells, cross-sells, diagonal-sells and enough "off-ramps" to make your head spin. Or you're being...

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A bland smile

A quote from Douglas Coupland: "A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you're past it" About that, there's a temptation for entrepreneurs to keep things bland, to not risk offending...

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Why 50 bucks made me quit

Imagine this: You bust your butt promoting a partner's offer to your list … You spend hours writing custom emails, social media posts, podcast scripts - the works. Your audience loves it. You deliver a ton of hyper-targeted leads… …only to open your affiliate...

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The inner game of tennis

I once read "The Inner Game of Tennis" by Timothy Gallwey … I haven't played tennis in more than a decade, and this one is an oldie (written back in the 1970's) so you might be wondering why I read it. Have I decided to pick up tennis in middle age and go for an...

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