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About Jay Fairbrother

In just a few days I'll be with Jay Fairbrother while he presents his live masterclass around building profitable masterminds …. I know you're busy - so why should you listen to Jay??? Well, he's built and scaled businesses to multi-million dollar revenues and...

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What is a mastermind?

The concept of a "mastermind" can be a strange one to grasp, but Jay Fairbrother explains what it is. He writes: ===== "Napoleon Hill coined the term 'mastermind' in his book The Law of Success, which was first published in 1928. He wrote that when you put one person...

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5 reasons to build a high-ticket mastermind

Jay Fairbrother ("The Mastermind Guy") gives 5 reasons why you should build a high-ticket mastermind: Reason #1: Less Reliance on Content Reason #2: No Fancy Sales Funnels Reason #3: Recurring Revenue and Stickiness Reason #4: Life-Changing Transformations Reason #5:...

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Not your usual mastermind

My friend Dave and I often get out for a few drinks and laughs at local pubs. While there, we do the usual “shooting the breeze”, catching up and talking about what’s going on in our lives, what’s happening in the world, and all that jazz. Although we aren’t meeting...

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Time to get off the “coaching treadmill”

A common problem for coaches: They get a new client and work with them for a short time … often 3 months. After 3 months the coaching relationship ends, and the coach has to find another client to replace the one that's moving on. It becomes a treadmill for the coach...

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How a mastermind saved Jay!

Jay Fairbrother lost everything in the 2010 financial crisis, and he had to start from scratch. It was a dark few years, but there was one thing that kept Jay going and got him back on his feet again: Being in a mastermind! He credits that mastermind with saving his...

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