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Your business, your rules

by | Mar 10, 2018 | Blog

If you’re doing business online, you’re going to run into trolls.

It isn’t a question of “if”, but rather “when”.

The only way you won’t come into contact with these creatures is if you’re hanging back and not doing anything.

A few days ago, I was doing a training for Brady Patterson’s tribe re: Facebook groups, and one of them crawled out from under his bridge (or in this case, probably his mother’s basement) and was being a pain-in-the-you-know-what.

Since I was doing the training, I didn’t have to deal with any of his crap (Brady was handling it), but apparently this guy was being a real prick and doing everything he could to disrupt the training in the chat box.

Luckily, Brady doesn’t take to trolls and he booted the guy from the training ASAP, and we continued on.

It didn’t throw us off-track.

Actually I found it funny and made a joke about it, but I’m reminding you that you’re the master of your business and you get to set the rules.

You’re the dictator (hey, Fidel!) and you’re in charge.

Someone makes a snide comment or looks at you the wrong way?

Boot ’em out.

Someone haggles with you on your fees? Or objects to something that you posted on your social media?

Bye bye.

We’re not playing Romper Room here. You don’t need to have every one like you.

Actually, the more you polarize the more profit you’ll make.

You have to play the role of brutal dictator and mercilessly cut people who aren’t a fit out of your business (and your life too, by the way).

It’s a mental shift to get to this point, since from childhood we’re conditioned to want to have people like us.

But once you get your head wrapped around it, you’ll experience a freedom that you’ve never experienced before.

If you’re looking to take control of your coaching business (and get a bunch of new clients through the doors), check out the next 10 Clients In 90 Days group program that’s coming up soon.

Another spot was just spoken for, and we have just a few left.

More details here:

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