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When you mix stuff together

by | May 19, 2018 | Blog

Back in the 90’s, comic book rivals Marvel and DC joined forces for awhile to create Amalgam Comics.

It was a series where they merged a bunch of their characters to create new ones, like:

– Dark Claw (an amalgamation of Batman and Wolverine)
– Super-Solider (Superman + Captain America)
– Skulk (Solomon Grundy + Hulk)
– Thanoseid (Darkseid + Thanos)

You get the idea …

The cool thing is you can combine niches in coaching too.

Sure, you won’t become a superhero with cape and claws, but you can get a lot of clients by getting super-defined with your niche.

These are off the top of my head, but for example:

– Instead of being a “negotiation coach” or a “coach for real estate agents”, how about a “negotiation coach for real estate agents”?

– Instead of being a “speaking coach” or a “coach for introverts”, how about a “speaking coach for introverts”?
(side note: many people fear public speaking more than death, and there are a ton of introverts out there as well …)

– Instead of being an “executive coach” or a “memory coach”, you could help executives improve their memory.

— Continuing on the fitness trend, instead of being a “relationship coach” or a “fitness coach”, how about being a “fitness coach for long distance couples” (coaching virtually to help couples separated by distance get more fit – may sound crazy, but I’m guessing that it would work)

The possibilities are endless …

If you need help getting clarity on who you’ll serve as a coach, it’s something that I cover in my 10 Clients In 90 Days group program.

We’re starting soon and there’s just one seat left (that’s not a marketing tactic, five out of the six seats have been paid for).

Hop in your Batmobile and race over here:

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