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The one question that will determine your success as a coach

by | May 12, 2018 | Blog

I can usually tell which coaches are going to make it by asking them a simple question:

“How many conversations did you have with qualified prospects this week?”

While it’d be nice to have people clicking a button and hiring you without ever doing a call, a conversation usually has to happen first (unless you have the name recognition and following of the big coaches)

The mistake I see most coaches making is they aren’t inviting people to take the next step with them to have a call.

They’re posting content (theirs or sharing stuff from other people) but not directing people what to do next.

Recently, I taught a group of coaches how to post content that invites people to take the next step with them.

One of those clients told me that she had two calls instantly booked doing this, and she has more on the way.

(That was her first time doing it – imagine how many qualified calls she’ll get after a few weeks or months of doing it?).

If you’d like to learn what I taught her, I go over it in detail in the early part of my 10 Clients In 90 Days program.

The next 10C90D group starts up this month, and then I’m done doing it with this format.

You can be a part of the final group here:

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