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I spent 63 hours listening to Atlas Shrugged

by | Oct 11, 2017 | Blog

For a long time I had the goal of reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

But since it’s so long (around 1200 pages), it kept getting pushed to the back burner while I read other books that wouldn’t take so long to finish.

I finally got around to “reading” the book a few summers ago.

I cheated and bought the audiobook for my Audible app, and listened to all 63 hours of it that summer while walking a trail near my home every day.

It’s impressive to see an author write that many words, but it can be exhausting to read (or listen) to it.

A lot of coaches want to write a book, but in the back of their minds they think it has to be a huge one like Atlas Shrugged or War and Peace (which also clocks in around 1200 words).

They put pressure on themselves to create a magnificent work of art that will be around for generations, just like those books.


Your book doesn’t have to be that long!

I interviewed a book writing coach for my podcast before and she recommended that personal development books be short enough to finish in a two hour flight.

The key is to create something that helps people, not something that takes 60-some hours to finish.

I was drawn to Candy Zulkosky because she’s all about helping people get short, helpful books written (many of the clients she’s helped wrote 100 page books that didn’t take that long to complete.

Candy and I had a Skype call recently where she showed me her system for finishing a book quickly, and I was so impressed that I asked if she would teach it to people in my community.

She agreed, and tomorrow we’ll be hosting a live training called “Be a Published Author in 90 Days!”. It takes place at 1 pm EST and here’s the link to save your spot (a replay will be sent to all who register):

If you want to finish your book quickly and get it out into the world, you’ll want this training.

See you there …

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