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Social media is dead?

by | Mar 24, 2017 | Blog

I remember reading the blog headline awhile back. It was titled:

“Why Social Media Doesn’t Matter Anymore”

This wasn’t something from a rinky-dink blogger. It wasn’t a guy sitting in his parents’ basement, munching on Cheetos and spewing out his thoughts about the state of social media …

This statement was from Duct Tape Marketing, a popular blog with a large following.

So is it true?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t agree with it.

I’m down at Social Media Marketing World 2017 in San Diego now, preparing to speak in a few hours about using Facebook groups to build your business.

The last day two days I’ve talked with a ton of attendees at the conference who are using social media to get real, live, new clients and customers.

It hasn’t been theoretical.

These people aren’t “playing” on social media.

Yes, they’ve having fun with it. But it’s because it’s been such a boost to their businesses.

Don’t listen to the naysayers about social media.

Sure, if you waste your time on Facebook or Twitter arguing with strangers about politics then I’d say give it up.
If you’re using it the right way, you won’t want to leave.

Since I’ve been down here, I’ve had a number of people either subscribe to my print newsletter (at $97/month) and or buy my new online program (Facebook Group Gold) while I’m on “vacation”. To my knowledge, every one of those purchasers is a member of my Facebook group, The Coaching Jungle.

Without social media, and specifically my Facebook group, I wouldn’t have the business that I have.

If you want to get serious about social media and get the same results from your Facebook group, here you go:

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