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Releasing your inner Scrooge McDuck

by | Apr 7, 2018 | Blog

Earlier this week, I helped a client release her inner Scrooge McDuck …

Let me explain:

My client is a coach and excellent at what she does. She has years of experience in her chosen niche, can talk about it for days on end, and is highly-qualified to help others.

Yet she’s been delaying launching her program out into the world. It’s like she’s had one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.

For our past calls, we’ve talked about the altruistic reasons why she wants to launch that program: to help others and to make the world a better place …

But all of that feel-good, touchy-feely stuff wasn’t getting her any closer to launching.

So I tried a different approach on our most recent call.

I asked her if she liked money, and she said that she did.

I then proudly proclaimed that I love money, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I told her about the recent promotion that I did for my Secret Coach Club last weekend that brought in a lot of new subscribers and revenue, and how much more motivation and energy that gave me.

I broke an unwritten rule for coaches and actually admitted that I love money (most coaches play it off like they’re Mother Teresa and could care less about it. I call BS on that …).

Anyways, I asked her to forget about saving the world for a moment, and to think of how she would feel with a lot of money rushing into her bank account. I asked her to imagine having no stress about bills, and being able to buy anything that she desired.

(Heck, she could even imagine that she’s Scrooge McDuck and diving into her vault full of gold coins if that floats her boat).

Here’s the thing: if you aren’t making much money, it’s hard to be on your A-game as a coach.

Michael Beckwith has a great quote:

“You can’t light up the world if you can’t pay your light bill”.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a lot of money. The more of it that I make, the more energy and motivation I have to grow my business. I say bring it on!

If you’re tired of pretending that you don’t care about money and are ready to make more of the green stuff (while helping others), you sound like a good fit for my upcoming 10 Clients In 90 Days group program.

Over 12 weeks I’ll work closely with you to help you get more coaching clients than you’ve ever had.

The next group starts up soon, but no “Mother Teresa Coaches” are allowed in:

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