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A lesson from Larry Winget

by | Jan 15, 2018 | Blog

A few years ago I had Larry Winget (“The Pitbull of Personal Development”) on my podcast, and I was talking with him about practicing what you preach.

In 2013, Larry wrote a book called Grow a Pair (which has a cover of him holding two watermelons!). As the book was nearing completion, the publisher got cold feet about the hard-hitting title …

They worried that it could make it difficult to get the book onto book store shelves, and they started nagging him to change it to a “less-offensive” one.

Larry thought about it, and told them “no”. He said that if he backed down he would be demonstrating a lack of “watermelons”, and threatened to take the book to another publisher if they didn’t back off.

The publisher did back off, Larry’s book got into the bookstores with the original title, and it was a hit.

That’s an important lesson:

You have to back up what you say, or you have no credibility.

Don’t take the easy way out, stick to your guns.

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