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How I’m able to create so much content

by | May 18, 2018 | Blog

I’m often asked how I’m able to release so much content into the marketplace.

There’s a secret to how I do it.

It’s nothing earth-shattering …

(I’ve joked before that I have a team of monkeys chained to typewriters at my house, but that’s not it).

The secret to my productivity is I devote one day of the week towards only content creation.

That day is Friday.

I love my Fridays, but not because the weekend is almost here (although I do love my weekends). I love them because I get so much content creation done that it takes the pressure off of me for the following week.

Awhile back I made a decision to not book any calls on that day, and devote it to content creation (and sometimes getting to the beach in the warm months, which actually gives me energy and ideas for more content creation).

In the past, I split my content creation up throughout the week but by the time the weekend arrived I was pretty tired and not feeling like spending the whole weekend producing stuff.

By dedicating Fridays to that task, I’m able to create a lot more – it’s the principle of “batching” in action.

Since content creation can accelerate a coach’s success, I concentrate heavily on it in my 10 Clients In 90 Days group program.

I even closely track how much content my group clients are releasing, and show them how to use that content to get more clients.

If you’d like to get my help with this, the next group starts up soon.

It’s the last one that I’ll be doing in this format, and there’s now just one spot left.

More details here:

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