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Hanging out with big fish

by | Apr 29, 2017 | Blog

Jim Rohn had a great saying:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”

Rohn was referring to the offline world, but I think the point applies to online as well.

If you spend your time hanging out with chickens rather than eagles, your results will suffer.

One of the things that I’ve done a lot (especially over the last year or so) is connect with big names in my space.

I’ve had them on my podcast, invited them into my Facebook group, offered to connect them with people that I know, and have done other things to make myself known to them and build a relationship.

In return, I’ve gotten benefits from knowing those people.

It’s a lot like when cyclists take advantage of drafting. Drafting is when you tuck yourself close to the cyclist in front of you. It’ll give you up to 27% less wind-resistance, and help your efforts.

I’m such a believer of this strategy that I’m devoting a section of the next Secret Coach Club newsletter to it. It goes to the printer tomorrow night, grab it here:

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