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Five seconds to change your life

by | Aug 12, 2017 | Blog

I’m a big audiobook fan – I love my Audible subscription!

For the last few months, Audible has been recommending the book The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.

Last week, I caved and bought it.

In a nutshell, the 5 Second Rule is designed to help you stop procrastinating and get things done. You count down from 5-4-3-2-1 and then you do what you have to do.

It sounds overly-simplistic. In fact, when I first heard it I thought it was kinda silly.

But after trying it out, I discovered that it works. I had my most productive week all year, and I was on fire with my content creation (I even finished the September Secret Coach Club newsletter, a few weeks earlier than usual. And it could be the best issue yet).

The book’s strategy sounds simple, but there’s brain science backing it all up:

Your brain loves to keep you safe, and will find plenty of reasons to delay you from taking action. When you count backwards, you activate your brain’s prefrontal cortex and change its patterns. It makes it more likely that you’ll take action instead of the usual delay.

The book goes into it in a lot more detail, so I recommend that you grab it and give the 5 Second Rule a try for 30 days.

If you want to see what my brain creates when it’s on fire, you can hop on the list to get the September issue of Secret Coach Club here:

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