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When you feel like poking your competitors’ eyes out

by | Mar 18, 2017 | Blog

Let’s talk about “competition”.

Lately I’ve seen some coaches griping about competitors.

Some of it may be warranted, such as cases where a competitor blatantly swipes copy, for example.

But often someone is attacked because he or she is successful.

The attacks come in all forms (“She’s so phoney”, or “He’s full of it”). Maybe she is phoney, or he is full of it – it’s still a waste of time to run down competitors.

I think some coaches would rather see another coach fail than see the person in the mirror become successful.

It reminds me of a tale that I heard before …

A man came across an old lamp, and after rubbing it a genie appeared. The genie tells him he will give the man anything that he desires, but with one catch … his neighbour will get double. The man thinks it over, and after enough time in deep thought he tells the genie:

“I want you to poke out one of my eyes”


Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

Don’t worry about competition, there’s more than enough pie out there for each of us to get our bites in.

Fear about the other guy will only hold you back from what you need to do.

If your peer loses two eyes he might be blind, but you’ll still have lost one eye – and that will cause you some issues.

In the April issue of the Secret Coach Club newsletter, I’ll be detailing the exact process that I use to turn “competitors” into fans and collaborators (and create very profitable joint ventures with them). It goes to the printer in less than two weeks, grab it here: 

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