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An embarrassing story

by | Apr 8, 2018 | Blog

Here’s an embarrassing story:

I once went to a movie with an ex-girlfriend, and when the movie ended we got stuck in the middle of a mob of people pushing to leave the darkened theatre.

Once I got out into the lobby, I walked up to my partner and put my arm around her waist (like boyfriends do).

But I then heard my partner’s voice about 15 feet to my left:

“Marc? What are you doing?!?”

I looked over and my arm was around a complete stranger – one who had a similar hairstyle and looked like my partner (from the back).

(Sitting in a dark theatre for two hours must have played tricks on my eyes and they weren’t adjusted to the light yet).

The stranger was shocked and her boyfriend didn’t look too happy with me.

I apologized and got out of that theatre in about 2.4 seconds.

Not my finest moment, but I can laugh about it today.

Anyways, I see a lot of coaches who are putting their arms around the wrong people too (so to speak).

They’re trying to work with the wrong clients, ones who aren’t the right fit for them.

Once you get clarity on who you’re supposed to be with, it all gets easier.

You’ll have more fun and energy while coaching, and you’ll avoid any embarrassing mishaps that come with targeting the wrong people.

You may not want to go to see a movie with me after hearing this little story, but I know what I’m doing when it comes to helping coaches get more clients.

If you’d like to work with me over the next 12 weeks to sign up more coaching clients, here you go:

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