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How Dallas snuck past my defence system

by | Feb 28, 2018 | Blog

My podcast is booked solid for interviews at the moment, so I’m not accepting any new guests for a long time.

Since I’m approached every day by people pitching to get on the show, I’ve had to create a “defence system” to reject people and to maintain my sanity.

No, I’m not rude about it – but I leave no room for anyone to sweet talk their way past my defences or I’d be booked solid for the next decade.

However, recently someone was able to infiltrate my defence system better than James Bond sneaking into an evil villain’s lair.

Someone on Dallas Michael Cyr’s team pitched him to be on Natural Born Coaches, and they included something in that pitch that made me lower my defences and invite him onto the show.

I didn’t know Michael before that pitch, but what his team did is what I recommend all pitchers do to increase their chances of getting podcast bookings.

I go over this “secret” in detail in the March issue of the Secret Coach Club newsletter – and I include some real life examples of past clients of mine who have achieved podcasting success by doing it.

I’m not going to go over the method here (I know, I know – I’m a tease. But it’s exclusively for SCC subscribers)

It’s being shipped out tomorrow, so the deadline to get it is tonight at midnight (EST)

Get your copy here:

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