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A couple days of Ray (Dalio) – Pt.3

by | Dec 4, 2017 | Blog

Ok, I’ve been yammering about Ray Dalio for a couple of days now, and this is the last you’ll hear me talking about him.

In Principles, Dalio tells a story which shows if you want to be successful, you have to aggressively go after what you want.

Back in the 90’s, Dalio and his partner were invited to a meeting in Washington with the U.S. Treasury to give their advice.

The two were late for the meeting and by time they arrived, the doors were locked. That kinda sucked, because it was a big deal to be invited to speak there.

But instead of patiently waiting outside, or turning around, Dalio pounded on the door until someone opened it.

The two of them got a seat at the table, said their piece, and were told that the advice they gave the government was the most important advice they’d received in a long time.

Dailio wrote that the meeting was an analogy for what the 90’s were for his company in general:

“We had to barge our way into things”

In my experience, successful entrepreneurs have to barge into things rather than standing idly by or tiptoeing.

In the noisy online space, barging will get you noticed. Sitting back and waiting to be found won’t.

Back in my real estate days, I threw almost every penny that I earned back into marketing: for radio ads, print ads and postcards (this was back in “the old days”)

By aggressively pushing my name out there, I got a ton of business.

When I started coaching four years ago, I took the lessons from real estate and realized that people wouldn’t just magically come to me. They had to know who I was, and I’d have to “barge” out into the marketplace to let them know.

If your business isn’t where you’d like it to be at the moment, you might be standing outside the door instead of banging on it and demanding that they let you in.

Decide to become more aggressive in the marketplace, and you’ll see better results.

If you’re a business coach who’s ready to aggressively get more leads, Karl Bryan and I are doing our live training (Lead Generation On Steroids For Business Coaches) tomorrow and we’d love to see you there.

We’ve got just 100 spots for the training, grab yours here:

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