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Clients From a Podcast Interview???

by | May 19, 2016 | Blog

Podcasting doesn’t always get the same level of respect when compared to its older, more-established sibling, radio.

But I keep telling people to not underestimate what a podcast can do for their businesses …

Since I started “Natural Born Coaches”, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of people who got connected with me through the show, and from other shows that I’ve appeared on.

And last week, a past guest on my podcast told me that a listener reached out and hired her after hearing our interview together.

So I put a post up on Facebook about what happened, and I got a bunch of people (past guests and others) commenting with similar experiences:
– “That happened to me from a podcast of yours”

– “I got a client from being on your show 🙂 Thanks for that and for underlining this for people”

– “Yes! Sometimes the clients come immediately after doing a podcast interview but I’ve also lost count of the number of clients I speak to who’ve ‘stalked’ me for a while (in the nicest possible sense) after hearing me on a podcast”

– “(I) hired 2 people that were featured on your podcast Marc …” (this is someone who has actually listened to hundreds of episodes of the show … crazy!)
So you don’t have to host your own podcast to get these kinds of results – just being a guest on shows can have amazing benefits.

But if you really want to increase the results from podcasting, having your own show is the way to go (I wouldn’t have done 400+ episodes of mine if it wasn’t working.)

You don’t have to do a daily show: a weekly show will give traction and won’t upend your schedule with too many hours required.

Starting a podcast can be tricky for a novice, so last year I brought Scott Doucet on board to help people with it.

He does a series of 1:1 calls to walk you through the process and holds your hand the whole way through (screensharing, support between calls … the whole nine yards). Scott’s great at getting his people onto the iTunes New & Noteworthy chart too, which is helpful for a podcaster!

If you’d like Scott’s help launching a podcast, send him a message at

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