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A better way to get recurring revenue

by | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog

A lot of coaches are looking to add recurring revenue to their businesses, and membership sites seem to be the “in thing” nowadays.

Their plan:

Open a membership site, charge a low price that makes it hard for people to resist (ie: $10 or $20/month) and watch the people crash through the gates to join.

They whip out their calculators to work out the numbers with 1000 members. But wait, what if they get 5000 members? Pretty sweet right?!?

Not so fast …

Membership sites aren’t necessarily the best path to recurring revenue. I’m not saying that they don’t work for some people, but they aren’t my favourite model.

Why not?

If you’re going with a low-price point, like 10 or 20 bucks a month, it isn’t as easy to sell as you may think.

You’re also attracting the wrong people (the cheaple) who tend to be a pain in the rear end. A lot of them won’t take action on what they learn, and will leave after a month or two.

If you are lucky enough to sell a bunch of memberships, it’s a lot of work managing a large membership community. I know one person who did really well selling memberships during his launch (a ton of new members came on board in just one week) but he killed it because of all the hassle and grief he was getting from subscribers.

I prefer another, more simple option:

A monthly print newsletter.

I introduced mine, Secret Coach Club, back in early 2017 and it was one of the best moves that I’ve made since I started my business.

I like the price, since $97/month means that people have to put some skin in the game to get it. It keeps the people I don’t want in my world out of it.

And it’s doesn’t take as much time to manage the whole thing. I don’t have forums, a Facebook group for it or any fancy bells and whistles. It’s maintenance-free for the most part.

So instead of spending time on the maintenance of a membership site, I can put my energy into writing my newsletter and making sure I’m giving 100% to the content.

If this sounds appealing to you, the May issue of Secret Coach Club will show how you can set up a recurring revenue system with print newsletters like I did (it’s a print newsletter about print newsletters, ha!).

I’m going to be laying it all out for you, so you can learn what works well for me and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

If you follow what I teach you can have your print newsletter up and running before the summer.

To get consistent recurring revenue from print newsletters, grab your copy here (the deadline is in one week):

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