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You’re certified … now what?

by | Sep 20, 2020 | Blog

A common complaint that I hear from coaches who have just completed their certifications is that they don’t know what to do to get clients.

Their certifications focused on the art of coaching, but the business side of coaching was neglected.

They now have a fancy piece of paper, but they’re frustrated because they don’t have clients to put the skills that they learned to use.

If this sounds like you, check out the training that Cheryl Thacker from Successful Coaches is doing on Thursday, September 24th at 1 pm EST called “6 Pillars To Master Your Coaching Biz!”.

This training is ideal for new coaches who know they can help people, but need some support getting those first clients through the door.

Or if you’re an aspiring coach, you should also check it out to get a head start on things.

As a bonus, all attendees will receive a special gift: a 9 page “Master Your Coaching Biz” checklist that you can put to use right away.

Here’s the link to grab your seat for the event:

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