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Your money … or your life!

by | Nov 21, 2019 | Blog

There’s a classic Jack Benny skit where he’s walking down the sidewalk and is suddenly confronted by a mugger.


Mugger: Don’t make a move – this is a stick up!

Jack: What?

Mugger: You heard me …

Jack: Mister, put down that gun.

Mugger: Shut up. Your money … or your life!


Mugger (yelling): Look bud, I said “Your money … or your life!!!”

Jack: I know. I’m thinking it over!

Someone being that open about liking money is a rarity in the coaching world, where people do their darndest to pretend that they could care less about it.

Ever see this?

“Put your wallet away – I’m not doing any selling during this webinar … I pinky swear! :)”

Some of them even make it look like they’re disappointed to make the green stuff, like it’s 100% about changing the world for them.

I saw this attitude back in 2015, when I hosted an online summit to help coaches charge more for their services.
As I was promoting it, I had some coaches coming at me with stuff like “It’s not about the money!” and
“If you’re in it for the money, you’re in it for the wrong reasons!!!”. They tried to make me out to be a cross between Gordon Gekko, JR Ewing, Dr.Evil, and Hitler for (gasp) wanting coaches to be well-compensated for what they do.

When I choose which coaches to help, I ask for their “magic number” … that’s the amount of revenue that they want to make every month from their coaching.

If that number isn’t big enough, I don’t work with them.

Everyone is entitled to their own goal, but I want to be excited about what the client is doing.

So an answer like, “Well, I want to make a few hundred extra bucks per month for ‘spending money'” doesn’t cut it for me.

If you aren’t afraid to admit that you want to make a lot of money as a coach, you’d probably be a good fit for my Secret Coach Club.

You can check it out and decide if you are here:

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