I’m currently filling spots for my 1:1 “Triple Punch” coaching package.
In addition to everything we’re doing together over 12 weeks, my clients will get $4,988 of bonuses …
(These bonuses are $4,988 of legit, real-world value and what I usually sell them for. I’m not like some people who slap something together in five minutes and claim “$50,000 value!”)
The bonuses include:
-> Three of my digital programs: The Daily Email System, Facebook Group Gold, and the Flat Fee JV program ($1491 value)
-> A one year subscription to my “Secret Coach Club” ($997 value)
-> A 1:1 “Podcast Launch” package ($1,500 value)
-> Podcast bookings to guest on five shows, including my “Natural Born Coaches” podcast ($1,000 value)
To work 1:1 with me and take advantage of these bonuses, go here: