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Wise words from JR Ewing and Gordon Gekko

by | Jul 15, 2018 | Blog

If you have an online coaching business, you’re going to inevitably hit some ups and downs.

Whenever I talk with someone going through a rough patch, I give them quotes from two of my favourite TV and movie characters – JR Ewing (from Dallas) and Gordon Gekko (from Wall Street).

Both of these men played for keeps, and while I wouldn’t recommend following their fictional footsteps exactly (JR did get shot), they gave some wise advice for business and for life.

From JR:

-> “Sometimes you’re the windshield, and sometimes you’re the bug”

True. It’s impossible to go through a whole year of having 365 good days. Hopefully you’ll have a lot more good ones than bad ones, but if you’re out there trying to do big things you’ll have your share of “bug” days!)

And while giving a pep talk to a down-on-his-luck friend over the phone, Gekko told him:

-> “Hey, hey, stay positive, pal. Most people, they lose,they whine and quit. But you got to be there for the turns. Everybody’s got good luck, everybody’s got bad luck. Don’t run when you lose. Don’t whine when it hurts. It’s like the first grade, Jerry. Nobody likes a crybaby”

Since “authenticity” is such a popular buzzword online nowadays, a lot of whining is disguised as “authenticity”. Awhile back I saw a coach proudly posting about how he cries himself to sleep most nights while drunk and listening to sad music. That’s not something that will have people flinging open their wallets and eager to hire him.

Although there will always be some challenging days, it’s a lot easier when you have someone helping you grow your business.

I’m here for the coaches that I’m working with, to push them along when they need it.

If you’d like to have me in your corner, book a call and let’s chat:

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