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Why the International Day of Peace is a scam

by | Sep 21, 2018 | Blog

Today is the International Day of Peace, and you’ll hear a lot of voices on social media crying about the sad state of affairs in the world and how bad things are in 2018.

Newsflash: things aren’t as bad as CNN and the other media say (there’s a reason why they call CNN “Constantly-Negative-News”).

The media has to go with these stories to get ratings – as the old news saying goes, “If it bleeds, it leads”.

One of the Twitter accounts that I follow is @HumanProgress, and it’s a nice change from the “The sky is falling! The Sky is falling!” drum that people beat 24/7 nowadays.

When you read its tweets, it opens your eyes and shows that hey, we aren’t living in some depressing dystopia and there isn’t a zombie apocalypse beating at our door.

For example, life expectancy is the highest it’s ever been. Child mortality rates have plummeted. Gone are the days when a person was lucky to reach 40. As someone who just turned 40, I’m grateful for that.

In the old days, it wasn’t uncommon for citizens to be thrown into a lion’s pit for disagreeing with their country’s leader. Now, you can tweet your President and call him every name in the book (and he won’t even be allowed to block you on Twitter, since that was ruled unconstitutional).

We’re experiencing no major wars, and it’s been over 70 years since the bloodshed of World War II.

Although things aren’t horrible in the world at the moment, we’ll never reach world peace. While it’s a noble goal, it’s ultimately unattainable … humans just aren’t wired for it. John Lennon’s Imagine is a silly dream by a former Beatle.

Don’t get upset, use it as motivation.

I say it’s better to spend your time working for peace in your own life.

Instead of spending hundreds or thousands of hours crossing your fingers and chanting for world peace, put that effort into your personal development.

If you have a business, make it as successful as possible so you can sleep peacefully at night, have peace with your spouse (since you won’t be fighting about money), and have peace of mind.

Work hard, help a lot of people, and make a bunch of money so you can donate more to the causes that you really care about.

This approach will do more good for the world than the International Day of Peace.

If you’d like help getting more revenue (and more peace) into your coaching business, daily emails are a great way to do it.

I’m doing a live training next Thursday to walk you through my daily email system. You can register here:

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