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Why Robinson wouldn’t move to the other side of the island

by | Apr 21, 2019 | Blog

Let’s talk about “change” for a second.

People are scared silly of it, and hesitant to make any changes to improve their lives (regardless of how obvious it is that they need to do something differently).

In “The New Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz (and edited by Dan Kennedy), the author writes about how Robinson Crusoe fell into this “fear of change” trap.

In the novel, the main character is shipwrecked on an island and sets up camp near where he washed ashore.

Later, he explores and discovers that the other side of the island is much better than where his camp was set up.
That side had better food, weather, and shelter.

Yet despite all of the advantages, Crusoe didn’t want to leave where he’d been living since he was afraid of change. Here’s a guy who was fighting for his life and even with a better home served up to him on a silver platter he wouldn’t budge.

I know, I know – it’s just a novel right? But it’s the same in real life. People stay in jobs that they hate, in relationships that long ago sucked the joy from their lives, in unhealthy lifestyles that are killing them.

All because they don’t want to change.

I see it in in the coaching world all the time. Coaches who’ve been struggling to get clients for awhile but don’t want to make the changes needed to turn that around.

They keep banging their heads against the wall and hope that something different will happen – when they need to be taking a different approach.

Change can be scary, but if things aren’t working out then what do you have to lose?

If you’re a coach who wants to change your results, check out my “10 Clients In 90 Days” program – it’ll require you to change and do new things, but it’ll be worth it.

More details here:

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