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Why cheap courses stink

by | May 11, 2022 | Blog

Let’s talk about a certain platform out there that hosts online courses.

It has something like 250,000 courses, and they usually cost peanuts …

We’re talking 10 or 20 bucks a course, or even lower if the platform is giving out coupons for them – which it often does.

Sounds great, right?

Although I created a few small courses on it long ago, I’m not a fan of the cheap course platform.

(I haven’t mentioned its name, but you can probably guess which one I’m talking about)

First, the instructors aren’t motivated to put a ton of energy into their courses on there, since they aren’t being compensated very well for them.

And those buying the courses aren’t usually invested in them, since they’re not paying much for them.

As Danny Iny says:

“People need the most effective option, not the cheapest. And if customers know that your course really works, they’ll gladly spend more to get it”.

There’s a better way to do it, and Danny has just released a short training video that shows how you can create courses that get great results and also attract a multitude of students who pay you a good amount for them.

Give it a watch here:

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