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When you’re distracted by the wrong clients

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Blog

I recently heard someone give great dating advice to a friend of mine.

He’s recently out of a bad relationship and was feeling kinda down …

But she told him that when you’re with the wrong partner you’re distracted, and could miss the right one since you’re not looking for them.

I think the same thing applies to coaching clients.

Some clients are just a bad fit – they drain your energy and make you miserable.

But you’re getting paid (maybe not much) and they make you feel busy, so you cling to them instead of getting new, better clients.

If you stick with those types you’ll miss out on the right clients who you’d love working with.

This coming Tuesday I’m hosting a live workshop that will show you how to get new (and better) coaching clients rushing into your business.

Join me by registering here:

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