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When you feel like you aren’t making progress with your coaching business

by | Jun 24, 2020 | Blog

My son Gray turns 12 today, and every one of his birthdays reminds me that time flies quickly.

Sometimes when we’re out around town we’ll bump into someone who hasn’t seen him in a year or two – and that person will say with surprise:

“I can’t believe how much he’s grown!”

Since I see him all the time, I don’t notice that …

The same goes with a coach’s business.

When you’re on the ground and working on your business 365 days a year, you don’t always appreciate how far you’ve come.

And when seeing the staged photos of coaches in front of “their” mansions or private jets, or their posts about making 7-figures in the last month, it can feel like you’re not moving forward at all.

A little tip that I find works with my clients is to have them go to “Facebook Memories” ( and have a look at their posts from that same day one year ago, two years ago, three years ago, etc.

When they see their old posts, they realize that they have made a lot of progress since then – and they usually tell me that their content creation skills have improved a lot over the years too.

If you’re looking to fast track the growth of your coaching business, my Secret Coach Club hard copy newsletter can help with that.

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