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When Bo Jackson became Jason Voorhees

by | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog

Since it’s Friday the 13th, I’ll share a story that I got from a book that I recommend to all of my clients and mastermind members (and I highly recommend that you read as well).

It’s called “The Alter Ego Effect”, and in it author Todd Herman shows how athletes, entrepreneurs, salespeople, executives, and others can get better results by using their imaginations and “pretending” to be someone else.

He begins the book with a story about Bo Jackson, the only two-sport all star, who used the strategy to achieve his massive success.

Jackson struggled with being too emotional out on the football field, but was inspired by the hockey mask-wearing killer Jason Voorhes in the “Friday the 13th” movies.

Todd writes:


“He resolved to stop being Bo Jackson and start being Jason on the football field, leaving the uncontrollable rage on the sidelines … suddenly the hotheaded, penalty-prone, easy-to-provoke Bo Jackson transformed into a relentless, cold, and disciplined destroyer on the football field.

Channeling a ‘different’ identity helped him focus every ounce of his talent and skill, and enabled him to show up on the field, without any emotional issues interfering with his performance …”


Your alter ego could be a fictional character from a book or movie, a superhero, a historical figure, an athlete, or anyone else you admire. By embracing the role, you’ll take yourself out of your shoes and let you channel someone else on your field of play.

In addition to helping you choose an alter ego, the book shows how to strengthen the bond you have with yours and gives good tips like using totems (items) to reinforce the traits that you want to embody.

Grab it and give it a read this weekend – you won’t regret it.

Anyways, we do a lot more than recommend good books in The Coaching Jungle Mastermind, and if you’d like the support and accountability of some amazing coaches you can join us here:

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