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What happens when your mind is stretched

by | Feb 2, 2020 | Blog

One of my favourite quotes is from Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr:

“Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions”.

If you’re always hanging around the same people, or watching and reading the same stuff, you aren’t being exposed to new ideas and you won’t grow.

One of the members of The Coaching Jungle Mastermind is Finn Patrick, and he sent me a testimonial earlier this week:


“Being part of the mastermind has exponentially raised my thinking. In hindsight I realize I was getting stuck in the weeds trying to do everything myself and was missing opportunities because I was spread too thin.

The group is exactly what I was looking for and the results have been instant. I’ve tweaked my offer to be more focused and raised my program price of which I’ve sold 3 already. Next month I’m looking forward to transitioning to a group format which I would probably never have done without the other great minds supporting me in the group …”


If you’re looking to expand your thinking around quality folks like Finn, apply to join us here:

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