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Two important ingredients for successful content creation

by | Nov 11, 2018 | Blog

If you want your content creation to work, you need two parts:

1) Do something you enjoy doing:

If you don’t like how you’re creating content, you’re not going to stick with it consistently.

For example, if you don’t like writing emails (and the thought of it makes you want to drive your head through a wall), focus on something else like videos or podcasts.

If you don’t create regularly, it’s going to be hard to get your message out there. In today’s noisy online space, you have to show up every single day with engaging content.

The next part …

2) Do something that works!

You might enjoy opening your window and yelling at strangers passing by your home; “Buy from me! Buy from me!” …

That could be your favourite activity in the world, and you could do it all day long until the cows come home.

But just because you enjoy doing that doesn’t mean it’s going to work.

You could fluke out and get some business, but I doubt the yelling-out-your-window method will be an effective one.

So there you have it – when deciding on your content creation, remember to pick something you enjoy doing and something that actually works …

If you want help getting clarity (and accountability) around this, check out my “10 Clients In 90 Days” group program.

The next one starts up soon, and only a handful of coaches will be chosen for it:

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