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Time to change how you do sales calls?

by | Dec 7, 2018 | Blog

Yesterday I was talking about getting someone else to handle your sales calls if you don’t enjoy doing them.

Heck, it’s not a bad idea even if you like doing them.

I know there are people who are against this, and I’ve heard the objections before:

– “People will want to talk with the actual coach before hiring them!”

– “People will think you have a big ego and that you consider your time more valuable than theirs!”

– “It just feels wrong!”

I get where they’re coming from.

I felt that way for a long time too …

Until I had a number of conversations with Anirudh, who swung my thinking around on it.

As a result, I’m going to be making some changes to my whole sales call process in the new year.

After attending next week’s live training, “How To Stop Selling And Start Coaching!”, you could decide to make some changes with yours as well.

All I ask is that you come to it with an open mind and see if it’s the right move for your business.

Register for it here:

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