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This propelled lots of famous people to their success

by | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog

The other day I read an article about the number of successful people throughout history who benefitted from being in mastermind groups.

I had previously heard about Henry Ford and his “Vegabonds”, but the list also included:

  • Benjamin Franklin and his “Leather Apron Club”, which helped him come up with ideas like volunteer firefighters.
  • Walt Disney and his “Nine Old Men” (the group of animators responsible for Disney’s biggest hits)
  • J.R.R. Tolkien, author of “The Lord of the Rings”, who met every week with a group called “The Inklings” to read each other’s work, give feedback, and improve it.

The list went back even further, to King Arthur’s “Knights of the Round Table”, and it showed that although the term “mastermind” wasn’t coined until the early 20th century the concept was in use long before that.

Since I’ve been running my own mastermind I’ve had other coaches and entrepreneurs ask me how they could do their own.

So I decided to pull everything that I’ve learned together into a super-sized issue of Secret Coach Club.

This issue will teach everything you need to know about masterminds so you can set yours up in a matter of hours …

The deadline to get it is this Friday at midnight EST:

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