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This might sound strange, but hear me out …

by | Mar 21, 2020 | Blog

A friend of mine likes to say that you should “zag when others zig”.

With that in mind, let me tell you about something that might seem like it’s off-the-wall now given the current panic around Coronavirus:

Simone Vincenzi has created a curated database of 100+ events and conferences in the UK and Europe that are looking for speakers.

“Who is thinking about speaking gigs? Events are being cancelled all over!”

I don’t see this lasting.

I’m an optimist and believe that things will open up and we’ll see crazy demand for conferences, sporting events, entertainment, restaurants, etc once we’re done “flattening the curve” and people are able to get out and spend money.

So while a lot of events aren’t happening right now, they will be in the not-too-distant future and this is a great time to get a head start on getting speaking gigs booked. 

So what you will get by joining Simone’s database now?

  • 100+ Curated events & Conferences in the UK and Europe.
  • Templates to connect with event organizers
  • A super-effective follow up strategy to get more gigs
  • You’ll signal that you aren’t one to succumb to fear …

Simone knows what he’s talking about, since he’s spoken at 1000 events in the last six years (400 of them organized by his own company).

This database is going to be sold for £200, but because they’re launching now you’ll get it for only £29.99.

A lot of people in my world are in the UK, or want to travel there to speak once things get back to normal, so here’s the link to get it:

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