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This makes Netflix super-addictive

by | Apr 3, 2019 | Blog

I read that one of the two remaining Blockbuster video stores in the world is closing.

That one was in Australia, so now the only one left is in Bend, Oregon.

I used to love going to Blockbuster, but let’s face it – it’s a heck of a lot easier to use Netflix.

Netflix has created something that really hooks people in.

The secret of the successful shows on Netflix?

They tell a good story.

Once a viewer is enticed to start a new series, they often get hooked.

Immediately after finishing one episode, the next one automatically starts playing just a few seconds later without even having to touch a button.

The little voice in their head says “Just one more episode”? Good luck with that ….

The binge-worthy shows have such a good story that you have to keep watching to find out what happens.

“Breaking Bad” did this to me – a timid high school science teacher is diagnosed with terminal cancer and becomes a drug lord to provide for his family after he’s gone? Who couldn’t watch that???

But if a show doesn’t have a good story, I can’t get past the first episode or two.

Stories work for online entrepreneurs too.

To find out how you can use the power of story to get more clients and customers, check out the live training that I’m doing with Shelli Varela this Thursday.

You can register for it here:

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