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This isn’t for brand new coaches

by | Feb 4, 2024 | Blog

We do weekly polls inside The Coaching Jungle community, and the latest question was about how long members have been coaches for.

The results?

Just starting out: 15%
1 to 2 years: 6%
3 to 5 years: 14%
6 to 10 years: 27%
Over 10 years: 38%

While the Jungle aims to help coaches of all experience levels (and I love hearing from new coaches who have gotten value from it), the live workshop that I’m doing in a few days is aimed for a more experienced coach and not the 15% who are just starting.

The workshop is called “Pouring Fuel on the Fire: 3 Proven Strategies to 3x, 5x, or even 10x Your Annual Coaching Revenue!” and since I don’t want to waste anyone’s time it’s for people who are already coaching and have some revenue coming in (and want to make that “fire” bigger!)

If you’d like to boost your current revenue, it’s happening on Tuesday at 3 pm EST. Register here:

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