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The real reason coaches are afraid to sell

by | Nov 27, 2018 | Blog

A lot of coaches are afraid to sell.

And that’s a problem, because as Zig Ziglar said:

“Timid salesmen have skinny kids”

(You could say that timid coaches have skinny kids as well).

It sounds like common sense, but you can’t be afraid to make offers when you have an online business.

I recently spoke with a coach who admitted that she hasn’t been selling much.

She’s been hesitant to talk about what she does, and she knows she’s been holding back.

As I dug deeper, I discovered that she was fuzzy on what she should be offering.

If you aren’t clear on your business model, you aren’t going to feel gung-ho to get out there and spread the word.

It’s like waking up to find a huge pimple on your face. The thing is so big that it should have its own zip code, and you know that it’ll be the only thing people see when they’re talking with you …

In that situation, would you feel enthusiastic about going out and partying with friends that night?

Of course you’re not going to feel 100%, you’ll feel self-conscious and you’ll probably stay in that night (and until the visitor leaves your face).

Once you get clear on your business model, your confidence level will shoot through the roof.

If you’ve been holding back on selling, it could be because you aren’t confident about your offers.

The good news is I’m going to break down the coaching model that I shared with her on our call in the December issue of the “Secret Coach Club” hard copy newsletter.

By the end of our call she was like a completely different person – eager to get out there and sell.

You can get this super-simple (and super-sellable) business model by subscribing before the deadline this Friday:

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