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The most common frustration for coaches

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Blog

We ask everyone who requests to join The Coaching Jungle Facebook group the following question:

“What’s the biggest challenge/frustration in your coaching business?”

The #1 answer (by a long shot) is getting leads and clients …

Since I try to follow Gary Halbert’s advice and “feed a starving crowd”, I’ve asked Karl Bryan to do a live training next Wednesday, April 15th to show coaches how to generate high-end coaching leads and clients.

Karl and I have done a lot of these trainings together over the years, and he’s a great guy for it since he’s built three 7-figure coaching companies as well as the world’s first 7-figure ‘Online Business Coaching’ company.

In this training Karl will teach the secrets he uses to generate more small business coaching clients than you can handle using the Internet, and it’ll be content-rich with no fluff or BS.

Although most of my partner webinars have replays, this one won’t (so you’ll have to tune in live). You can register for it here:

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