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The magic number that coaches should know about

by | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog

There’s a magic number that applies to politics, but can also apply to personal development:

That number is 60.

In his book Campaign Confessions: Tales from the War Rooms of Politics, veteran Canadian political campaign manager John Laschinger writes about the importance of 60% in regards to the percentage of voters who believe it’s time for change.

If that number is around 50%, the incumbent’s campaign doesn’t have to worry much.

Once it gets up to the magic number of 60%, it’s almost a given that the challenger will win and the governing party will get the boot.

If it’s over 70%, go find someone to take a bet on the election and go all in on it for the challenger.

Where it relates to personal development is if people are on the fence about truly changing (50/50), they probably won’t take the actions needed to change.

But once it goes in the other direction, where they’re sick and tired of the status quo and they’re serious about doing the work, change will most likely happen.

If you’re a coach, you don’t want to take on clients who are 50%. That won’t end well (for them or for you).

The scales have to be tipped in the “change” direction.

That’s not to say that people’s motivation to change can’t be nudged along.

One way to do that is to stay in front of them with your message as much as possible.

It’s like planting a seed – the first time they see your stuff it may not do much … after seeing it day in and day out, they can be pushed to take action on making the changes they need to make (and will hopefully go to you for help).

That’s why I recommend that all coaches and online entrepreneurs send daily emails to their list …

It’s a way to encourage them to change, or to at least stay top-of-mind until they’re ready to do it.

If you’d like to learn my complete Daily Email System (with some cool early bird bonuses until October 21st), check it out here:

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