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The hermit problem

by | Dec 8, 2019 | Blog

Skellig Michael (an island off the coast of Ireland) is on my list of places to visit before I kick the bucket.

One reason is because we Mawhinneys are Irish.

Another is I have a thing for islands – I used to watch LOST religiously every week back in the day (in The Stone Age, before streaming) and have always enjoyed TV shows, movies, and books about people being trapped on desert islands.

Finally, Skellig Michael is the filming location for Luke Skywalker’s island (Ahch-To) in the new Star Wars trilogy. That’s appealing to a Star Wars fan …

In those movies, Luke is a disgruntled Jedi who hides on his island, refusing to be pulled back into an intergalactic war. It’s a lonely existence while in exile, with no one to keep him company (other than some strange alien creatures).

Earlier this week I talked about the loneliness that coaches can feel as they build their online businesses, and how if they don’t make an effort to connect with others they can go a little crazy – like Luke did on his island (and become a hermit with their laptops!).

The Coaching Jungle Mastermind will help with that – it’s all about having a tight-knit and supportive group to motivate you and keep you on track every single week.

You don’t have to do it alone – get the details and apply here:

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