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The cost of a bad hire

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Blog

Hiring mistakes aren’t cheap.

I read a study that said that the cost of hiring a bad employee is $7,000 to $10,000 (and it can be over $40,000 for some positions).

Since these kinds of costs can be a killer (especially for small business), Talmar Anderson has been helping entrepreneurs avoid them.

Here’s what one of her clients, Monika Jansen from Jansen Communications, had to say:


“After two bad hires, I knew something had to change – and Talmar was just the person to do it. She swooped in and helped me set up a hiring process that not only ensures I bring the best people on board but also have plenty more in my back pocket when I need to scale quickly … thanks Talmar – you’ve been a godsend!”


It can be scary when choosing who to bring onto your team, so Talmar has created a training to help guide coaches and entrepreneurs through the process.

She’s going to be sharing her hiring method live this Thursday at 1:30 PM EST.

You can register for it here:

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