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The 80/20 myth for coaches

by | Dec 8, 2018 | Blog

When I first started my coaching business, I thought I’d be spending most of my time coaching.

I expected to be doing that 80% of the time, and the other 20% on other stuff like marketing for clients and some administrative work.

But I quickly discovered that the formula is flipped.

For most coaches, 80% of their time is spent on sales calls and finding clients, and just 20% on working with them.

It could even be 90/10.

I’m not alone with my incorrect estimate …

Pretty much every new coach has the same belief when they first enter the industry.

They think they can slap a website up, have people eagerly sign up to work with them, and then their week is filled with nothing but coaching sessions.

The truth is sales calls (or discovery calls, strategy calls, or whatever you want to call them) eat up a ton of time.

Even worse, they can zap you of energy that could be spent in more productive ways.

If you’re finding yourself drained by the time the week ends, you should check out the live training that I’m doing with Anirudh in a few days.

He’ll show how you can make changes in your business to free up time and become more profitable.

Here’s the link to register for it:

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