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Stop the presses! Successful coach spends just 20 minutes/day on Facebook!

by | May 18, 2021 | Blog

Lately I’ve been working on reducing my screen time.

I was prompted by an ugly stat:

When I checked the screen time on my iPhone (you can find it under your “Settings”), it was over five hours/day.

Although someone told me recently that his sister’s screen time is over 12 hours/day (!), I still felt my time was too high.

So I made some changes, like keeping the phone off and in another room for large chunks of the day, not checking it while in line ups at stores, etc … and I’ve been able to cut it down to just one hour/day.

I got inspiration from Terri Levine …

Terri has built a very successful coaching business, but she doesn’t spend all day scrolling her newsfeeds – she spends just 20 minutes/day on Facebook!

Reduced screen time means I’ve been more relaxed and productive doing things that will benefit my business more than zoning out on social media and apps.

If you’re interested in building a successful coaching business without being glued to your screen, Terri will be sharing her model in her “Modern Coaching Method” webinar this Friday.

You can get the details and save your seat for it here:

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