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Solving all of the confusion out there about branding

by | May 14, 2024 | Blog

I recently heard Kae Wagner, personal branding specialist, talk about some of the questions she’s hearing people ask about personal branding, like:

“Is it just a logo and a slogan?”

“Is it colour and images?”

“Is it your vision, mission, and values?”

The good news: Kae is here to help, and she’s doing a live webinar for my community on the topic next week called “Personal Branding: The Coach’s Secret To Getting Clients”!

In it she’ll be answering these questions, and a lot more while giving you a solid way to nail down your personal brand …

And I agreed to let her use me as her guinea pig, so she’s going to unveil new branding that she did for me (that I won’t see until live on the webinar!).

Don’t miss it, register here:

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