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Sneak peek inside my handy dandy content creation guide

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Blog

The May issue of Secret Coach Club is a special theme one dedicated to teaching my content creation system, and it heads to the printer tonight.

Inside its pages, you’ll learn:

  • my eight step system for creating content more quickly (blast through “creator’s block” with these steps)
  • a sample template/email showing how to weave your personal interests into the stuff you put out there and tie it into your offer.
  • five places you can go to for content ideas (and a cool breakdown of a system that my friend Tyler Basu came up with to create 20+ pieces of content in just one or two hours …)
  • the two movies that supercharge my content creation efforts (every coach and online entrepreneur should watch these movies at least one, but preferably a few times, per year)
  • my template for writing engaging content that pulls the right people to you (while pushing those you don’t want to work with far away)
  • how to get prospects eager to buy from you, or to say “Shut up and take my money!”
  • my content calendar system, which always sits on my desk and saves me tons of time when creating my content.
  • how to transition from your message to the offer in your content (which can be awkward for a lot of coaches)
  • how to become a super creator, and to feel like you just took that magic pill (NZT-48) from the movie “Limitless”.

The best part? You can finish reading the issue in under an hour, put what you learn to use ASAP, and have it to refer to whenever you need help creating content.

The deadline is midnight (EST), and then it’s no longer available:

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