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Simple sells.

by | Dec 11, 2019 | Blog

I was once out of town with friends at a popular sports bar that’s known for having great wings.

When we got our menus, there must have been hundreds of choices for wing sauce. The menu was thicker than The Bible!

My friends took a long time combing through the pages and pages of choices, trying to decide on the best wings to go with. After going through about 50 options, I gave up and went with one of the usual boring options (medium, I think).

It took about an hour to order our food that day.

Not to knock this wing place, since they seem to be doing something right (the place was packed), but having too many offerings doesn’t work well in the coaching world.

I often evaluate coaching clients’ offers, and a common theme is they want to give their prospects too many choices.

In some cases, they can’t remember what they’re offering, or how much they’re charging for all of their programs.

If you need a spreadsheet to track 30 different offerings, you’re doing it wrong.

The marketplace is noisy and confusing as is, if you throw too many options at your prospects their eyes will glaze over and you’ve lost them.

My coaching packages are the equivalent of a wing bar with just mild, medium and hot choices. To work directly with me, I have my 1:1 option. For those who want DIY, I have my online programs and my print newsletter. And I’ve just started The Coaching Jungle Mastermind which is a nice fit for certain coaches …

The advantage to this is it keeps things simple – I can focus my attention on easy-to-understand offerings and not sow seeds of confusion.

And if you woke me out of a slumber at 3 AM, I’d be able to tell you my offerings and fees with no issues (although I would be confused why you were in my house at 3 AM)

Have a good close look at your offerings and see if you need to simplify them. Simple sells …

Speaking of my offers, that new mastermind is filling up in advance of our January 6th start. You can get the details here:

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