Get Your Free Issue of the Secret Coach Club Newsletter ($97 Value)!



by | Jun 30, 2018 | Blog

I read something online the other day about a woman who had been dating a guy for a year and finally asked if she could meet his mother.

Without missing a beat, the guy said:

“You’re special, but you’re not THAT special.”

(Yes, he actually said that …)

I see something similar happening with coaches and their prospects or clients.

They aren’t being given the level of respect they should be!

They’re being stood up on Skype and given flimsy excuses for the no-show, or none at all.

They’re being haggled to death by price shoppers who are horrified at the thought of having to actually pay a decent amount for their help.

They’re attracting clients who aren’t doing the work assigned to them, and then blame the coach for the lack of results.

I hate to see coaches treated with this kind of disrespect.

My Secret Coach Club newsletter teaches strategies to get more clients, but there’s another benefit from soaking in the words every month:

You’ll start commanding respect from the people you do business with.

Success as a coach comes just as much from the mindset of that coach as the tasks they’re doing every day.

Some of my subscribers have been with me since I started the newsletter in March 2017, and they report that they could never go back to doing business the old way again.

If you’re ready to command the respect of your market, the deadline to get the July issue is tonight at midnight EST:

Grab Your Free Digital Copy of Marc's "Secret Coach Club" Newsletter (Value $97) and Daily Tips To Get More Coaching Clients!

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