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Podcasters and insane studios!!!

by | Dec 5, 2021 | Blog

Yesterday I was talking about a common mistake made by new podcasters, and here’s another one that I’m seeing …

Spending too much money on equipment to get their show going!

Seriously, they act like they’re Jay-Z and need to plunk down thousands of dollars on top-of-the-line recording equipment and other bells and whistles.

You don’t need all that.

Sure, it helps to have a good microphone, but you can get that for $100 (or less).

And you want a quiet place to record your episodes.

But you can get started for peanuts.

If you’d like to work with me 1:1 to launch your podcast (the right way), I have some spots available.

Let’s chat and see if we’re a fit to work together on it. Book your call here:

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