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(Podcast) Using AI and Email Marketing In Your Coaching Business

by | Sep 18, 2023 | Blog

Since AI is a hot topic in the online coaching space, and I’m a big fan of email marketing, I wanted to do something combining them for my podcast.

So I invited Jules Dan on Natural Born Coaches today to share his insights on the topic …

Dan is a list master and “profit extractor” with over $15 million in client results, and he didn’t disappoint!

In this episode you’ll hear:

-The way that he started using AI in his business, and what his thoughts were when he initially started using it

-The learning curve of AI and how to think like a marketer by following three key principles

-Where he sees the future of AI going in regard to the integrity of video messaging and testimonials

-Whether AI can write personality-based emails effectively

-How to do a 6-figure launch without a large list or affiliates

-And a lot more!

Give it a listen here:

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