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(Podcast) The Power of a Promise, with Promise2Live!

by | Sep 11, 2023 | Blog

The newest episode of Natural Born Coaches is unlike any other that I’ve done for the show since 2014, and it’s on a very sensitive (but important) topic for entrepreneurs:

Suicide awareness.

My special guests are Brandy Vega and Kevin Guest, who share about a valuable movement called Promise2live.

In this episode:

  • Surprising stats that you need to be aware of
  • Why Kevin got involved in the important mission of Promise2Live
  • What the “Pledge to Promise” is all about
  • Why mental health, suicide and addiction are some of the very biggest problems plaguing the planet today (and groups and supports to help you should you need it)
  • Ways to stop the stigma and to start the conversations that are needed

I hope you’ll give it a listen and join the movement here!

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